-Brand new, manufactured to perfection just for you
-Clean design, easy to put on and to remove without any sticky marks
-Easy step-by-step video instructions for flawless application with every skin
-Ultimate Air Release technology for Bubble-Free application
-Superior scratch protection
-QSKINZ™ is a proud WINNER of the 2019 Queen's Award for Enterprise
-Made and designed by QSKINZ™ in Great Britain
Our designers developed a precise and innovative skin that protects your PlayStation 5 (PS5) PULSE 3D Headset in a way that suits your own character for an enhanced personal expression. QSKINZ are designed to follow the lines of the PlayStation 5 (PS5) PULSE 3D Headset for a more natural, purely flawless finish that looks painted on. At the same time, it keeps it well protected.
We're very proud of our precise workmanship, unbeatable fit, attention to detail and all-around 360-degree protection. The very highest levels of quality are what we aim to achieve while producing every single skin especially for you. QSKINZ are not just to protect, they are built to delight your senses. An innovative solution for everyone who wants to keep headset's original shape and size, without the unnecessary bulk.
We pride ourselves on offering the widest colour and texture ranges on the market. QSKINZ™ is a brand you can trust - proud WINNER of the most prestigious business accolade - the Queen's Award for Enterprise.
What's included?
1x BODY Skin for PlayStation 5 (PS5) PULSE 3D Wireless Headset
(The pictures above may illustrate how the design looks with or without the cutouts removed. Make sure to watch our install videos once you receive your new skin.)
Note: In the pictures above, we show you how the design appears already applied on the device. This product is not a PULSE 3D Wireless Headset - it is a skin FOR the PULSE 3D Wireless Headset.
We ship to all countries around the world from England, UK. As we are a manufacturer and all skins are MADE-TO-ORDER only, we need a few days to prepare them (called processing time). Our processing time is 1-3 business days. Make sure to always add this to your calculations.
✔️ ALWAYS TRACKED delivery (except Europe, where you can choose between tracked or more affordable untracked option)
✔️ ALWAYS FREE GLOBAL SHIPPING when you spend just £30 - any country is included. If you shop in different currency, you need to consider the exchange rates between your currency and the British Pound Sterling in order to reach 30 pound sterling
✔️ FASTER DPD UPGRADE for certain countries - we may offer you an upgrade for more express service with DPD to your country (you will see it during checkout)
Understand more how we ship our unique products to you:
UK: 2-4 business days after processing with Royal Mail Tracked 48 service. You get a fast, reliable service with sms & email notifications on super affordable price;
USA: 7-15 business days after processing with FedEx CrossBorder Hybrid Postal Solution - this is not a FedEx Express service, but it will be delivered with your local FedEx courier and you get a FedEx tracking number on the best possible price. Our customers prefer this service, because we are totally against paying premium prices only for a few days faster shipping.
EUROPE: 5-15 business days after processing with Royal Mail - you can select between Tracked service, or Untracked service on a super affordable price. Both perform well and we almost never had any issues with them.
CANADA: 7-15 business days after processing with FedEx CrossBorder Hybrid Postal Solution - your package will be delivered by Canada Post
AUSTRALIA: 7-15 days after processing (sometimes longer if there are lockdowns or cancelled flights) with FedEx CrossBorder Hybrid Postal Solution - your package will be delivered by DAI Post on local level
NEW ZEALAND: 7-15 days after processing (sometimes longer if there are lockdowns or cancelled flights) with FedEx CrossBorder Hybrid Postal Solution - your package will be delivered by ARAMEX on local level.
MIDDLE EAST: 5-15 business days (sometimes longer) with FedEx CrossBorder Hybrid Postal Solution - in the UAE delivery courier will be SHIPA, while in Saudi Arabia - the Saudi Post
SINGAPORE / HONG KONG / MALAYSIA: 5-15 business days with FedEx CorssBorder Hybrid Postal Solution - in Singapore delivery post will be SingPost, in Hong Kong - EMS or LWE and in Malaysia - EMS
REST OF THE WORLD: we will use either FedEx CrossBorder or Royal Mail Tracked service
Qskinz began with one simple premise: attractive wraps that keep the original design and style of the device. The idea started as a family reaction against the bulky and unattractive cases on the market which hid the essence of the devices and rapidly grew to a successful family business shipping its products to 140 countries a month. With a professional background of more than 27 years in the design industry, Qskinz is now a leader in manufacturing the highest quality skins and meeting the needs of more than 300,000 customers all over the world.
We are at the forefront of the UK and the USA custom, made-to-order skin manufacturing market and we produce the most advanced tailor-made skins for smartphones, tablets, computers, laptops, and game consoles. Our products blend high-quality protection from scratches, dents, dust, and wear-out and attractive tailor-made design without adding any bulk.
At Qskinz we keep the original design of the device while we add individuality to it. With our wraps you will always stand out from the crowd with a new colour or a picture that resonates with your favourite outfit, styling, or car colour. With Qskinz it is almost impossible to see another person with the same wrap as yours. Our professional designers put their hearts into creating new forms, designs, and ways of application and this makes our skins exclusive for every model.
Our mission is to make skins that fit your device flawlessly because we know there is no better feeling than having a protected phone while still enjoying its original design.
Phones are an inseparable part of everyone’s life nowadays. This is why it is essential that your phone is dressed in quality clothes which will not discredit it anywhere.
Ever since 2014 when we launched this company, we have adhered to one principle - quality. At Qskinz we take care of the whole production process - from tailoring the design of the skins, to manufacturing the products in our own factory in the United Kingdom, to packaging and delivering them to our clients in any part of the world. All our products are 100% manufactured in the UK - unlike our competitors we do not work with third parties or vendors and this guarantees our first-class production and delivery.
What’s more, we utilise some of the most expensive and high-quality materials which contain specially developed, almost invisible, micro air channels that allow for the easy application on rounded or difficult to access parts of the device without leaving air bubbles.
At Qskinz quality comes first. We do not try to be the first to release wraps for new models because we never compromise on quality. Instead, we work hard to make wraps that are impeccable to the smallest detail. And this is what differs us from the rest.
Qskinz - it has never been so easy to have a skin which protects your phone while it keeps its original design.

Може да харесате:
Вашият телефон пристига. Отваряте кутията. Дизайнът е зашеметяващ. Всичко е перфектно - чакали сте твърде дълго за този момент. Ах, сега осъзнавате - телефонът ви трябва да бъде поставен в обемист калъф и усещането за нов телефон ще изчезне завинаги. Вече не. QSKINZ ви помага да защитите устройството си и да се наслаждавате на красивите му форми ден и нощ.

Нашата XactFIT™ технология ни помага да постигнем най-добрата в сектора прецизност до най-малките детайли. Например, изрязваме всеки говорител поотделно за пълен "втора кожа" ефект. Но това не е всичко. Хората в нашия склад са също толкова важни. Нашият екип от специалисти ръчно изработва всеки скин, за да гарантира, че: 1) качеството отговаря на нашите цели; 2) извършват това, което машините не могат; и 3) подготвят вашата поръчка лично, като се уверяват, че всички аспекти от нея са повече от перфектни.
Използваме само персонализирани материали на 3M за постигане на върхови резултати. Например, функцията за преместване на нашите скинове (ще усетите разликата, ако използвате QSKINZ™ и друга марка) - активирайте лепилото само когато постигнете правилната позиция. Също така предлагаме ултра-премиум реални 3D текстурирани скинове - ще откриете тези дизайни в нашата колекция LUXURIA. Не спираме дотук. Qskinz™ е първият в света производител на скинове, който внедрява зашеметяващи персонализирани материали на 3M с нашите 3D текстурирани печатни скинове (колекцията SIGNATURE) за ултра-издръжлив и невероятно добър краен продукт.

QSKINZ са 100% безопасни за всякакви повърхности - стъкло, метал, пластмаса и други. Независимо колко дълго планирате да държите скина, можете да го премахнете без да оставя лепкави следи. Нашите скинове имат уникалната способност да предпазват всяко устройство от дори най-малките драскотини, прах, мръсотия и следи от износване, което означава повече пари за вас, когато решите да го продадете. Дори и да използвате калъф отгоре, винаги започвайте със скин на QSKINZ, защото калъфите не могат да предотвратят навлизането на прах и мръсотия, което води до надраскана повърхност.
Нашият ecoROLE модел
Не можем да променим света, но можем да изберем да бъдем отговорни. Затова използваме само електрически автомобили, 100% LED осветление, снабдяваме помещенията си със 100% възобновяема енергия, подобряваме изолацията на склада и се грижим за 5 млади дървета пред нашата фабрика. Намалихме размера на опаковките си, заменихме кутиите с твърди пликове. От 2020 г. вече не използваме хартия за печат на фактури, а преминахме към 70% по-малки термално отпечатани алтернативи. Благодарение на най-напредналите машини в света, намалихме отпадъците си с 50%. Всяка стъпка в правилната посока е от значение.

Ние изпращаме до теб!
Независимо къде се намирате, можем да доставим вашата поръчка. От 2014 г. насам сме обслужили повече от 1 милион клиенти в 170 държави. И най-добрата част е, че ако похарчите повече от £30 (GBP) за продукти (или еквивалентна им във вашата локална валута), доставката ще бъде НАПЪЛНО БЕЗПЛАТНА за всяка една страна по света. Нямаме търпение да ви приветстваме.